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Many people experience numbness, whether it is in the hands, arms, legs, feet or even near the spine. When someone experiences numbness, what has usually taken place is damage to the nerve. When a nerve is damaged the first thing that a person will notice will be pain, followed by tingling, then numbness, and finally anesthesia, which is where the person loss of feeling. Many times tingling and numbness may be present together, much like a pin and needles type of feeling, can alternate from one to the other.

Did you know that it takes the weight of a DIME on a nerve to cause nerve irritation and possibly damage?

When a nerve is impinged, either by bones or muscles, the irritation has started. Pain is the first sensation many feel. Usually starting as a dull ache. Then as the person ignores this symptom then the pain starts to become sharper until eventually it will lead to tingling and numbness. For some people this can happen in a matter of weeks but most of the time it will happen over a matter of months or even years.

What can you do if you have an issue with numbness?

  1. Stretch
  2. Light Exercise
  3. Most Importantly Go See the CHIROPRACTOR

Why is going to see the chiropractor the most important?

Chiropractors can get to the root cause of a problem and fix it. Not cover up the symptoms, not delay the symptoms, but actually fix the symptoms.

Whether you suffer from carpal tunnel syndrome, sciatica, tarsal tunnel syndrome, neuralgia, or other issues from numbness, chiropractic can help to reduce symptoms and create alignment and balance back into the body.

If you suffer from numbness, tingling or pain, please give us a call and find out how chiropractic can help you at 512-387-3308.

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